The stream of cars going to the Centre will be barred by lay-by parking areas

New parking areas for hundreds of cars, which will be constructed at the entry points, will ease the situation in the traffic-intensive Ostrava Centre. At the Hlubina Mine, there will be a parking area with the capacity for 600 cars constructed and another such area, for 150 vehicles, will serve drivers at Místecká Street. The construction of a parking area of the park & ride type at Černý potok (Black Creek) will also start this year.
Areas at the Hlubina Mine, close to the under passage towards the tram stop and also near the Heligonka Club will be changed into a lay-by parking area.
“As from April this year, there will be about 200 cars parking, after we finish the first stage, but it will serve to more than 600 cars as soon as the second stage will be finished,” said Lukáš Semerák, the Councillor responsible for the transport.The City counts on drivers, who come from Frýdek-Místek, Havířov and Karviná taking advantage of this parking area.
The City also prepares a parking area which will accommodate additional vehicles, when the area at the Hlubina Mine gets full.
“We will construct it at the intersection of Moravská and Místecká Streets, opposite the Shell petrol station. It will be the park & ride type parking area. “Drivers will park there and continue by the public transport,” said Tomáš Macura, the City Mayor. The guarded area equipped with amenities will have the capacity of 150 bays.
Another park & ride parking area will soon serve at the Black Creek, at the tram loop.
“The construction of this parking area will start this year” said Tomáš Macura. This parking area will serve drivers coming to Ostrava from Hlučín or Opava.