Summer Bike Ride – an event for all the family

The annual ‘Summer Bike Ride’ event – launched last year – will take place this year on Saturday 9 June. The route will lead from Ostrava-Jih via Stará Bělá, Krmelín, Nová Bělá and Paskov to the finishing line in Hrabová. Participants in the ride will include the mayors of all these municipal districts, towns and villages.
Martin Bednář, the Mayor of the Ostrava-Jih municipal district, gave more details:
“I am delighted that we have organized this fantastic event for the second time, following on from last year’s successful launch. Last year’s ride featured over 300 participants of all ages. As in the previous year, this year participants will be able to look forward to refreshments during the route, plus an accompanying programme of events and attractions focusing on Hrabová, where the route ends. There will be a concert by popular singer Petr Bende, plus a bouncy castle for the kids. The ride starts at the Bělský Les forest school. To participate, you’ll need to register (free of charge) at the website”
is designed for all ages and abilities – you can choose from four different routes with varying levels of difficulty. The standard route is 27 km long, and the shortest route is just 10 km. For complete information on registering, the routes and other organizational matters, go to the website