The National Centre for Energy is Now Managed by Ostrava

From the beginning of 2019, the VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava has been the manager of the National Centre for Energy. Together with other research organizations and companies in the energy industry, it will develop new, more efficient and safer technologies, including those for the use of alternative fuels and ensuring the energy self-sufficiency of the Czech Republic.
“The National Centre for Energy received the highest score from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, which financially supports the project”, says Professor Stanislav Mišák, the project’s principal investigator. “We will cooperate on the development of new technologies with 23 other entities, such as the Research Centre Řež, ČEZ, Doosan Škoda Power or Veolia Energie ČR”, adds Professor Mišák.
Energy, raw materials and the related environmental protection are among the main areas of research at VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, as evidenced by several research institutes established within the university: The Energy Research Centre, the Institute of Environmental Technology and the ENET Centre (Energy units for the utilization of non-traditional energy sources). In these institutes, scientists as well as students have long focused on the efficient use of energy, the development of new technologies and alternative fuels.
The National Centre for Energy aims to achieve long-term cooperation between the leading research organizations and the main application sector entities in the energy market. Scientists and companies will share infrastructure and know-how with each other. New technologies will be developed to increase the efficiency, safety and reliability of existing energy units, use of alternative fuels to ensure raw material independence and energy self-sufficiency of the Czech Republic and increase the reliability and safety of energy networks.
The National Centre for Energy is one of the 13 National Competence Centres supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. The program of the National Competence Centre aims to support long-term cooperation between the research and application sectors and to strengthen applied research.