The pilot project of the track absorber at Frýdlantské bridges has received positive feedback. Although it was delivered in a 10-month test run in August, it is now clear that it reduces the noise from the trams. On the surface of the absorber is a very resistant sedum plant that allows evaporation of water and reduces dustiness. Two tram lines should be fitted with absorbers next year.

Existing track of the busiest tram line in Ostrava was fitted with so-called track absorbers – a completely new and unique Czech technology for damping noise and vibration from rolling stock. They are made only from recycled materials from the automotive industry, recycled rubber from old tyres and recycled synthetic and technical textiles used in cars. These non-waste products fulfil the criteria of the closed economy and use so far untreated technological and industrial synthetic waste. On the surface of the track absorbers, there is sedum, which has very good absorption properties and allows the evaporation of water in the city space. This improves the urban climate, reduces dustiness and overheating of streets and boulevards.
“From the measurements that we made before the work had been carried out and when it was handed over, it results that by laying the track absorber a noise reduction of between 3.5 and 9 decibels was achieved”, said Councillor Lukáš Semerák, responsible for transport. The measurement was carried out by standard methodology, by measuring the level of sound exposure of individual tramways in one measured profile at a distance of 7.5 metres from the rail axis at a height of 1.2 metres above the rail.
“If the technology proves successful, we have identified other places where we want to put the track absorber in the city. People from these locations have asked for the absorber themselves. In the Ostrava-Jih district, for example, there is a tram section near the Luna cinema. We are also considering other places in locations with a strong residential coverage,” remarked Councillor Lukáš Semerák, responsible for transport.
Soundproofing technology that alleviates vibration and greens a given location can be applied to existing tramways as well as to the design and construction of new modern transport structures. The condition is that cars cannot be driven over the tramway, because this could damage the absorbers.
The pilot project of a modern, green and quieter tram line at Frýdlantské bridges towards the Karolina stop is in a 10-month trial operation, which will check its efficiency in summer and winter months. The Brens Europe company is the executor of the contract of almost CZK 5.5 million without VAT from the Ostrava budget.